Take Control of Your Success #likeaboss

If you follow me on social media (@foreignprince), you’ve probably seen me use the hashtag #likeaboss quite a bit. This phrase got me through high school and college. It took me to Taiwan and help me succeed in several businesses and also led me to fail in others. It doesn’t matter that I failed because I failed #likeaboss.

Russ Jaimes recording some voiceovers for VINEdots, an eLearning website. Signs all over the office remind staff to keep thinking #likeaboss

Be your own leader

#likeaboss is a phrase that signifies leadership, confidence, and taking control of any situation. When you own your own business, you encounter thousands of unexpected situations and you’re expected to have a solution for everything. We don’t. This phrase is often associated with CEOs and other high-level executives, but I believe that everyone should have a #likeaboss mindset, regardless of their position within a company.

At its core, having a “like a boss” mindset means taking ownership of your work and your decisions. It means not waiting around for someone else to tell you what to do or how to do it, but instead taking the initiative to make things happen. It means being proactive, not reactive. Over time you will learn to find new ways to improve and innovate which means your own leadership skills have grown.

If you fail, next time fail better.

One of the key benefits of adopting a “like a boss” mindset is that it can help you become more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. When you’re in charge of your own destiny, you’re more likely to bounce back from failure and keep pushing forward, rather than giving up or waiting for someone else to come to the rescue.

I have failed many times over the years but each of those failures were a stepping stone that got me to where I am today. Each step put me in a position to succeed. I failed once, the next time I failed again, but I failed better. I was in a better place that I was before.

Develop a team of entrepreneurs

Of course, adopting a #likeaboss mindset isn’t just about personal success – it’s also about creating a positive work culture that empowers everyone to be their best selves. When employees feel like they’re trusted to make decisions and take action on their own, they’re more likely to feel invested in the company and to work harder to achieve its goals. They are also encouraged to innovate and increase productivity. This, in turn, can lead to better results for the business as a whole.

It was the #likeaboss mentality that helped Vine Education through the pandemic. All staff were given the flexibility to work from home. We knew and trusted that they would get work done and still help the company grow. Post-covid all staff have the option to work from home or come to the office because they all act #likeaboss no matter where they are working.

Start empowering your team today!

All my clients know this, but for managers out there that don’t know me: look for ways to empower your team. I’m always amazed at the wonderful ideas my team comes up with. They motivate me to work harder and be a better boss.

Russ Jaimes putting on makeup at the request of his staff. His staff all are encourage to speak up and innovate without asking for or waiting for approval. Their input is highly valued and respected.

So whether you’re an entrepreneur like myself or an employee at a larger company, everyone can benefit from adopting a #likeaboss mindset. By taking ownership of your work and taking steps to reach your goals, you can achieve great things and create a positive work culture that empowers everyone to succeed.

Go ahead – act #likeaboss, and see where it takes you.

To learn more about Vine’s Business English courses and our customized English classes try a free demo class today.

Vine Education offers the best Business English classes by combining practical language skills, job readiness, and culture awareness. So if you work for an international company or just want to travel, our programs are designed to help you start speaking and improve yourself. Get in touch with us to discover how Vine can help you gain a deeper understanding of the English-speaking world, prepare for the future, and grow as an individual.

#businessenglish #learnenglish #likeaboss #vinepower

Russ Jaimes
Russ Jaimes is an accomplished entrepreneur and teacher who is passionate about helping individuals and organizations improve their operations and reach their full potential. With a wealth of experience, Russ has established a reputation as a trusted advisor, known for providing valuable insights across a range of industries.
Born in Bolivia and raised in the United States, he loves of all things Disney and playing soccer.

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