

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go farther, go together.”


“If you don’t ask, you will never know.”


聽起來很普通的話,但很多人卻無法做到,無論工作或生活上,有時候我們需要幫助或指導才能解決問題或完成任務。每當我遇到這種情況時,開頭第一句話總是”不好意思”,對於台灣同事來說這是種禮貌,但文化差異的關係外國同事聽到總會一頭霧水,所以該如何跟外國同事合作並尋求幫助呢? 如果您正處於國際型公司或外派海外中,運用以下語句可以讓對方感受到您的需求,也能展示出自己在工作上的態度與氣度喔!!

Ask for help 十大好句

  1. Do you know to [task assigned]?
  2. Could you please help me with [task assigned]?
  3. I’m struggling with [task assigned]. Do you have any suggestions that could help me out?
  4. Would you mind lending a hand with [task assigned]?
  5. I could use your expertise for [task assigned].
  6. I’m a bit stuck on [task assigned]. Any way you can help me out?
  7. Do you have a moment to help me with [task assigned]?
  8. I’m working on [task assigned] and I’m not sure how to proceed. Do you have any ideas?
  9. I’m running behind schedule on [task assigned]. Would you be able to help me out?
  10. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with [task assigned].



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This is from our Business English Course (Beginner)

LessonTopicObjective 1Objective 1
#5Office RequestsMake simple requests & offersName office items & electronics
Learn all this and more by enrolling our classes with a native English teacher or online at www.vinedots.com

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